Temporada de impuestos 2024: una guía esencial con todo lo que necesitas saber.

En Trust Income Group hemos preparado una guía con toda la información que debes tener en cuenta para afrontar el cierre del periodo fiscal.
Tax season 2024

¿Es importante la declaración de impuestos?

Sí, definitivamente es de gran importancia presentar tu declaración de impuestos y aquí te lo explicamos.

Tax season is a crucial period for all taxpayers in the United States, marking the time when individuals and companies must submit their tax returns to the Servicio de Impuestos Internos (IRS). Esta temporada es importante por varias razones:

Cumplimiento Legal Presentar la declaración de impuestos es una obligación legal para la mayoría de los ciudadanos y residentes en EE. UU. Cumplir con esta obligación evita sanciones, multas y complicaciones legales.

Reflejo Financiero del Año: La declaración de impuestos proporciona un resumen completo de la situación financiera del año anterior, incluyendo ingresos, inversiones, deducciones y créditos. Es un componente esencial de la gestión financiera personal y empresarial.

Oportunidad de reclamar deducciones y créditos: La temporada de impuestos permite a los contribuyentes aprovechar varias deducciones y créditos fiscales disponibles, que pueden reducir su carga fiscal y, en algunos casos, dar lugar a un reembolso.

Actualización de información personal y financiera: La presentación le permite actualizar información personal y financiera ante el IRS, lo cual es importante para mantener la exactitud de los registros tributarios.

Basis for Future Financial Decisions: The information collected and analyzed during tax season can be used to make informed financial decisions in the future, such as adjustments to tax planning, investments and savings.

And last but not least:

Impact on Public Services and Benefits: Taxes collected are essential to finance essential public services, such as education, infrastructure and security. An active participation in tax season ensures contribution to the common well-being.

A bold and eye-catching image with the text 'Tax Season 2024'. The background should depict elements related to tax filing, such as forms, calculators

Tax season 2024: Dates and Deadlines

Jan31 File Form 720 for the fourth quarter of 2023.
Furnish Forms 10981099, & W-2G to recipients for certain payments during 2023. Employers: Furnish Form W-2 to employees who worked for you in 2023 & file Form W-3, Transmittal of Wage & Tax Statements, with Copy A of Forms W-2 you issued for 2023.
File Form 1099-NEC for nonemployee compensation paid in 2023, see instructions.
File Form 730 and pay the tax on wagers accepted during Dec 2023.
Deposit any FUTA tax owed through Dec 2023.
File Forms 940941943944 and/or 945 if you did not deposit all taxes when due.  
Feb15 Send form 1099 B  
Feb28 Deadlines Copy A 3921 if filling via mail.
Deadline 1099 B if filling via Mail  
March31 Deadline 1099B if filling electronically  
April1 Deadlines Copy A 3921 if filling electronically.  
April18 Deadline for employee to file taxes.
Deadline to file Form 1120C


Small Business Tax Prep Checklist

General documents

  • Federal tax ID number
  • Social Security number
  • Previous year’s tax return—up to 3 years prior for both state and federal

Business income taxes documentation

  • Accounting journals and ledgers
  • Financial statements—specifically your balance sheet and income statement
  • Transactional supporting documents

Business-related expenses documentation

  • Receipts grouped into the following categories:
    • Supplies: General office supplies
    • Recurring operational costs: Rent, utilities, and subscription-based services
    • Entertainment/travel: Any applicable business entertainment and travel expenses
    • Marketing/advertising costs: Expenses used to promote your business
      Professional fees: Attorneys, consultants, accountants, bookkeepers, and more
    • Insurance policy details: Gather both individual and group plan documents, company vehicle
      policies, and any other insurance coverage documentation
    • Equipment and assets: Include depreciation schedules for each

Employment tax documentation

  • Employee forms:
    • W-9: Employee tax withholding certificate
    • I-9: Verification of employee legal working status
    • W-2: Wage and tax statements for each employee
  • Subcontractors and professional services:
    • 1099: Nonemployee tax form
    • 1099-MISC: Summary of fees and payments for nonemployees
  • Payroll reports
  • Gross monthly payroll
  • Total deductions withheld from employee gross wages

In-home office documentation

  • Square footage of office space
  • Mortgage interest or rent paid
  • Utilities
  • Insurance policy

Do you need more info? Talk directly to a professional and don’t worry, the consultation is FREE.

In short, tax season is more than just a bureaucratic process; It is an essential component of civic and financial responsibility that impacts both individual and collective well-being in society.


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